Kittens 08.05.22

Date: 8th May 2022 @ 10:09am

Hello Kittens,

I hope you enjiyed the sunshine on Sunday.  Thank you to all of you who have donated breakfast cereal, it's very much appreciated.....especially by the children when they're tucking in!

Starting this week, I will be inviting Reception parents into Kittens classroom every Thursday at 2.45 to come in and play/learn with their child.  This is an opportunity to share time, learning and activities with your child.  This will run every Thursday unless you hear otherwise so we look forward to seeing you (if you can make it) then.

This week, Year 1 will be writing their own stories while Reception will continue to learn how to write their own sentences about African animals.  In art, we will be exploring printing and in PHSE we will continue to learn the names of parts of our body and how to stay safe, thinking about our sixth sense.

Have a good week.


Year 1

-spellings (in homework book)

-Number challenge

-Read 5 times and record in your  reading log

-page 59 of the blue maths book-time


-Bring in a photo of when you were a baby and toddler 

-Phonic sheet ( stuck in homework book)

-Handwriting sheet (stuck in homework book)

-Spot words

-Number challenge: please practise learning pairs of numbers to 5.  You can do this verbally and say a number up to 5 and your child has to say the number back as quick as they can.  I will be challenging the children next Friday to  assess who is mastering number facts to 5.

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.